Elution buffers optimization on IEC using LAMBDA OMNICOLL fraction collector and autosampler

Eluates collection with LAMBDA OMNICOLL to optimize the Uranium recovery from in situ leaching solutions using two chromatographic matrixes

Eluates collection with LAMBDA OMNICOLL to optimize the Uranium recovery from in situ leaching solutions.


A research carried out by Department of Rare Metals and Nanomaterials from the Ural Federal University, Russia, compared two strong base anion exchangers (VPAE and Purolite A660/4759), as well as different elution buffers at diverse salts concentration schemes (sodium chloride, nitrate-sulfate solutions, and an ammonium carbonate/bicarbonate mixture), in order to identify and scale up the best conditions for Ionic Exchange Chromatography step, of the Uranium extraction process using in situ leaching (ISL) productive solutions.

General process of Uranium separation and recovery from ISL or productive solutions includes two main steps or stages: uranium sorption on strong base anion exchangers and uranium desorption by different eluents. The eluted samples were then collected by automatic LAMBDA OMNICOLL fraction collector and Uranium concentration was quantified using Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Spectroscopy (ICP AES).

The LAMBDA OMNICOLL fraction collector was used specifically during:

  1. Sorption stage: To check the saturation of the ion exchanger matrixes (VPAE and Purolite A660/4759).
  2. Desorption stage: To collect the eluted samples using all concentration schemes of elution buffers, in order to identify the buffer with higher elution capacity by quantification of Uranium concentration.


Eluates collection with LAMBDA OMNICOLL to optimize Uranium recovery

Figure 1. Automatic eluates collection performed by LAMBDA OMNICOLL fraction collector to study the Uranium elution capacity of different buffers on the Ionic Exchange Chromatography from ISL solutions. (S. Yu. Skripchenko, S. M. Titova, T. A. Zhevlakova, and A. L. Smirnov. The regeneration of saturated ionites after sorption recovery of uranium from productive solutions with high content of chloride ions. AIP Conference Proceedings 2015, 020097 (2018))


Maximum Uranium recoveries from the saturated anion exchangers was ensured by Nitrate-sulfate elution buffer, generating uranium desorption degrees of 76.61 % and 97.05 % for VPAE and Purolite A660/4759 matrixes, respectively.


LAMBDA OMNICOLL fraction collector assists optimization studies on Ion Exchange Chromatography.

The OMNICOLL fraction collector and sampler can be used for different kinds of chromatography, because of its versatility and simplicity.

The OMNICOLL has highly flexible control:

  • Easy to program and handle.
  • Unlimited number of fraction collection
  • Fraction collection or liquid sampling based on volume / time / drop count / controlled by an external signal to obtain important samples during long processes running even during the absence of a supervisor.
  • Avoids spilling between consecutive fractions with a pump flow stop function
  • Low-maintenance construction-Competitive price

Single and multi-stream fraction collection or sampling into almost any type of rack or recipients

Figure 2. LAMBDA OMNICOLL fraction collector for automatic samples collection.


The fraction collector of LAMBDA Laboratory Instruments can handle nearly all kinds of sampling tubes and laboratory sampling racks or recipients (drops to liters) available on the market.

More information about the automatic LAMBDA OMNICOLL fraction collector for all kinds of chromatography, you will find on https://www.lambda-instruments.com/fraction-collector/ .

Please, contact us at sales@lambda-instruments.com  if you have questions, need quotation or prices of LAMBDA OMNICOLL fraction collector.


Keywords: Elution buffers, ion exchange chromatography, anoin exchanger, Uranium sorption, Uranium desorption, fraction collector, LAMBDA OMNICOLL.