LAMBDA VIT-FIT-HP Syringe Pump used in Microfluidic Droplet Generation application

Oil injection with LAMBDA VIT-FIT-HP syringe pump to study drop generation in a micro-channel

Oil injection with LAMBDA VIT-FIT-HP syringe pump to study drop generation in a micro-channel

Microfluidics is a multidisciplinary field of science covering research in physics, chemistry, medicine, biomedical engineering, material science, and biology. Droplet-based microfluidics is generated with fluids in immiscible phases flowing inside microchannels. The flow rate of such fluids is commonly controlled with syringe pumps.

Researchers from the Faculty of Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering, Shahrood University of Technology - Iran, designed a multidisciplinary experiment to predict drop size using complex mathematical modeling of flows, advanced experimental work on drop generation and ANFIS (Adaptive Neural Fuzzy Inference System) model.

Flow-focusing junction setup for droplet formation

The setup used to create the drops was the flow-focusing junction. The dispersed phase, DI-water (distilled water), flows from one channel and the continuous phase, mineral oil, is injected with the LAMBDA VIT-FIT-HP syringe pump from two other channels that are perpendicular to the discrete phase flow. Figure 1 shows the schematic diagram of droplet generation.

Figure 1. Schematic diagram of droplet generation that consist of two syringe pumps, a digital microscope for size detection and a PDMS microchannel. Mottaghi, S., Nazari, M., Fattahi, S.M. et al. Droplet size prediction in a microfluidic flow focusing device using an adaptive network based fuzzy inference system. Biomed Microdevices 22, 61 (2020). []


The results showed that the maximum difference between the numerical data and the experimental values were less the 5%, which indicates that the diameters of the droplets were in good agreement with the experimental test. The predictive model designed with ANFIS demonstrated its validity with the coefficient of determination equal to 0.92, which can be considered as acceptable with respect to the high nonlinearity of the real system (Mottaghi et al. 2020).

Polyvalent programmable syringe pump - LAMBDA VIT-FIT-HP for oil injection as continuous phase in a droplet-based microfluidics system

  • Highly robust mechanics, which result in high forces and very precise flow rates.
  • Precision mechanics for pulse-free operation.


Additional features of LAMBDA VIT-FIT-HP Syringe Pumps can be found at

Please, contact us at if you have questions, need quotation or prices of our LAMBDA VIT-FIT-HP Syringe Pumps.

Keywords: VIT-FIT-HP syringe pump, droplet generation, microfluidics, flow-focusing junction


  • Mottaghi, S., Nazari, M., Fattahi, S.M. et al. Droplet size prediction in a microfluidic flow focusing device using an adaptive network based fuzzy inference system. Biomed Microdevices 22, 61 (2020).
  • Microfluidics: Fundamentals, Devices, and Applications. Yujun Song, Daojian Cheng, Liang Zhao. John Wiley & Sons. 2018.