Kolektor frakcji

Kolektor frakcji

Nowa koncepcja w zbieraniu frakcji z niemal nieograniczonymi możliwościami - otwiera nowe możliwości w chromatografii i próbkowaniu wielostrumieniowym:

Kolektor frakcji i próbnik LAMBDA OMNICOLL


zbiera frakcje w dowolnie wybranym statywie

zbiera nieograniczoną liczbę frakcji

elektronika oraz części ruchome umieszczone powyżej prób:

- brak uszkodzeń w przypadku rozlania
- może zostać umieszczony w zimnej łaźni lub innym termicznie stabilizowanym pojemniku

nieograniczona liczba programów

wyjątkowo łatwe programowanie pozycji statywu i probówek przy pomocy białego pióra

frakcjonowanie według czasu (0.1–999.9 min lub 1-9999 min) lub objętości (0.05–500 ml lub 0.1–30 l)

dobra jakość za rozsądną cenę

konstrukcja odporna na czynniki chemiczne

probówki łatwo dostępne ze wszystkich stron

pauza (0–999.9 min lub 1–9999 min) lub płukanie mogą być zaprogramowane pomiędzy dwoma frakcjami

frakcjonowanie do 18 frakcji jednocześnie; wielokanałowa praca (opcjonalnie)

zbieranie w linii lub zygzakiem

interfejs RS-232 (opcjonalnie)

Charakterystyka kolektora frakcji LAMBDA OMNICOLL

Jedyny kolektor frakcji, który w prosty sposób można zaprogramować dla każdego statywu lub odbiornika według wyboru

Wszystkie elektroniczne i mechaniczne części zostały zminiaturyzowane i umieszczone w jednej części ruchomej, która jest umieszczona powyżej frakcji. Dlatego nie ma niebezpieczeństwa zalania urządzenia.

Dolna część kolektora frakcji może zostać umieszczona w zimnej łaźni, łaźni z lodem lub innym termicznie stabilizowanym pojemniku

Nowoczesny mikroprocesorowo kontrolowany system wykorzystujący czujniki optyczne pozwala na łatwe programowanie pozycji probówek za pomocą prostego pióra

Zbieranie frakcji według czasu lub objętości

Zbieranie frakcji w linii lub meandrowo (zygzakiem)

Pauza (0.1–999.9 min lub 1–9999 min) może zostać zaprogramowana pomiędzy frakcjami. Tak więc, kolektor frakcji OMNICOLL można wykorzystać do pobierania prób (jednej lub wielu) podczas np. procesów fermentacji, kultur komórkowych oraz innych biologicznych i chemicznych procesów

Funkcja pauzy może być także stosowana do automatycznego uruchomienia zbioru frakcji

Mycie rurek (mycie linii) jest możliwe pomiędzy próbkami ponieważ liczba frakcji w serii może być wybrana

Funkcja auto-stop wyłącza kolektor oraz frakcjonowanie po wybranym statywie lub na końcu linii

Funkcja stop pompy przepływu zapobiega przechodzeniu pomiędzy dwoma kolejnymi frakcjami

Tylko rurka przez, którą przepływa ciecz jest przenoszona w miejsce probówek co wymaga znacznie mniej energii i pozwala na zminiaturyzowanie kolektora. Dodatkowo probówki są łatwo dostępne ze wszystkich stron

Dolna cześć kolektora może być wykorzystana do przenoszenia lub przechowywania frakcji. Nowe plastikowe mocowanie maty utrzymuje statywy lub odbiorniki w stałej pozycji

Kilka dolnych części może zostać połączonych w celu zwiększenia zdolności zbierania frakcji przez kolektor

Najwyższe bezpieczeństwo użytkownika zostało osiągnięte poprzez zaopatrzenie kolektora OMNICOLL w zasilanie o niskim napięciu. Dzięki temu możliwe jest również zastosowanie zasilania bateryjnego.

Solidna metalowa konstrukcja sprawia, że kolektor frakcji OMNICOLL odporny jest na czynniki chemiczne

Może być łatwo zdemontowany i wymaga niewiele miejsca

Łatwa w konserwacji konstrukcja

Konkurencyjna cena

Pilot umożliwia pobieranie prób po otrzymaniu sygnału zewnętrznego (np. alarmu). W ten sposób możliwe jest uzyskanie istotnych próbek podczas długich procesów działania nawet podczas nieobecności opiekuna

Licznik kropli, dodatkowy zawór, interfejs RS-232 i inne akcesoria są dostępne opcjonalnie

Dane techniczne


Czas 0.1–999.9 min w 0.1 min odstępach lub 1–9999 min w 1 min odstępach
Objętość 0.05–500 ml lub 0.1–30 l
Licznik kropli (1-9999 lub 60–599’940) (opcjonalnie)
Poprzez zewnętrzny sygnał lub interfejs RS-232 (opcjonalnie)
Z lub bez pauzy od 0.1–999.9 min lub 1–9999 min

Pojemność probówki:

Według wyboru (dostępna powierzchnia 45 × 31 cm) np. stosując ekonomiczne statywy Nalgene:
300 probówek × 12 / 13 mm (średnica)
204 probówki × 16 mm (średnica)
130 probówek × 20 mm (średnica)
120 probówek × 25 mm (średnica)
80 probówek × 30 mm (średnica)
Ilość probówek może zostać zwiększona kilkakrotnie poprzez złączenie kilku części razem

Zasilanie: 9 VDC/12 W, za pomocą wtyczki zasilania (100–240 V, 50–60 Hz)

Bezpieczeństwo: Spełnia normy CE i IEC 1010/1 dla instrumentów laboratoryjnych

Temperatura pracy: 0–40 °C

Waga: 6.5 kg

Wymiary: 34 × 30 × 49 cm (W × H × D)

Gwarancja: 2 lata

Type: LAMBDA OMNICOLL – microprocessor-controlled programmable fraction collector – sampler
Collection mode: Linear (line), meander (zigzag) or row collection
Normal modus:
Time: 0.1 to 999.9 minutes (16.67 hours) in 0.1 min steps or 1 to 9999 minutes (166.7 hours) in 1 min steps
Volume: 0.01 to 500 ml or 0.6 to 30 litres (external counts using LAMBDA peristaltic pump)
High modus: Same as Normal modus, but with a pause between fractions (from 0.1 to 999.9 minutes or 1 to 9999 minutes)
Remote control:
Normal modus: Collector takes a single fraction after an external voltage pulse of 3-12 V (or 12-30 V with a 3300 ohm resistor)
High modus: Collector takes a 1 to 999 fractions after a single external voltage pulse of 3-12 V (or 12-30 V with a 3300 ohm resistor)
Capacity: Any tube rack or container type with a surface smaller than 45 x 31cm
Standard racks supplied: 360 tubes of 12-13 mm diameter; 240 tubes of 16 mm diameter; 160 tubes of 20 mm diameter; 96 tubes of 30 mm diameter; The capacity can be increased many times by coupling several lower fraction collector parts together.
Non-volatile memory: Storage of all settings
Interface: RS-232 (optional)
Power supply: 95–240 V/60–50 Hz AC plug-in power supply with DC 9V/12W output; possible field operation on 12 V accumulator
Dimensions: 34 (W) x 30 (H) x 49 (D) cm
Weight: 6.5 Kg
Safety: CE, meets IEC 1010/1 norm for laboratory instruments
Operation temperature : 0-40 °C
Operation humidity: 0-90% RH, not condensing
Remote control: 0-10 V; (option 0-20 or 4-20 mA)


LAMBDA OMNICOLL facilitates the recuperation of desorbed fractions in a fixed-bed adsorption–desorption setup (industrial prototype with two packed chromatograhy columns (stainless-steel, 50 mm × 20 mm, bed volume 15.71 ml))

Bzainia, A., Igrejas, G., Pereira, M. J. V., Costa, M. R. P., & Dias, R. C. (2024). Purification of stilbenes from grape stems in a continuous process based on photo-molecularly imprinted adsorbents and hydroalcoholic solvents. Separation and Purification Technology, 127798.



The sorption installation consisted of a peristaltic pump Ismatec IPC8 (flow rate 7.5 ml/h), a glass sorption column (diameter 15 mm; 5 ml ion-exchange resin ) and an automatic fraction collector LAMBDA OMNICOLL.

Skripchenko, S. Y., Nalivaiko, K. A., Titova, S. M., Rychkov, V. N., & Semenishchev, V. S. (2023). Recovery of uranium from conversion production sludge by leaching with nitric acid and subsequent ion-exchange concentration. Hydrometallurgy, 106255. 


At each 10-minute time interval, the effluent from the column was collected into 5 mL vials using a LAMBDA OMNICOLL fraction collector.

Choudhary, A., Khandelwal, N., Ganie, Z. A., & Darbha, G. K. (2023). Influence of magnetite and its weathering originated maghemite and hematite minerals on sedimentation and transport of nanoplastics in the aqueous and subsurface environments. Science of The Total Environment, 169132.


LAMBDA OMNICOLL used for column chromatography in Environmental Nanoscience Laboratory, Darbha's research group: 
https://gkdarbha.wixsite.com/gopaladarbha/instrumentation (2024 Jan. 03) 
https://static.wixstatic.com/media/11a26b_72ea880a9edb434ca34e530fef35c200~mv2.jpg (2024 Jan. 03)
https://static.wixstatic.com/media/11a26b_60f73569d1e443da848c87333dc7d8ca~mv2.png/v1/fill/w_532,h_552,al_c,lg_1,q_85,enc_auto/fraction%20pump.png (2024 Jan. 03) 

LAMBDA OMNICOLL fraction collector equipped with a peristaltic pump: For each soil column (length 22 cm, internal diameter 2.5 cm), 120 fractions were collected with a volume of 3 ml per fraction.

Pena Silva, S. M. (2023). Estudio de los procesos de adsorción/desorción de 2-isopropil-6-metil-4-pirimidinol (IMPH) y 3, 5, 6-tricloro-2-piridinol (TCP) en montmorillonita pilarizada mediante la inclusión de especies de [Fe, Al], Zr y Ti y su potencial uso en la mitigación de lixiviación desde suelos agrícolas.

https://repositorio.uchile.cl/handle/2250/195796 (01. December 2023) 

Gel permeation chromatography (GPC) with Superose 6 Increase 10/300 GL column (GE Healthcare) on an HPLC system (Agilent/Varian Prostar 210): Fractions were collected at the injection time point at 0.5 ml per fraction using a LAMBDA OMNICOLL fraction collector onto flat-bottom 96-deep-well plates (Costar 3599, Corning).

Wannitikul, P., Wattana-Amorn, P., Sathitnaitham, S., Sakulkoo, J., Suttangkakul, A., Wonnapinij, P., W. Bassel, G.W., Simister, R., Leonardo D., Gomez, L.D & Vuttipongchaikij, S. (2023). Disruption of a DUF247 Containing Protein Alters Cell Wall Polysaccharides and Reduces Growth in Arabidopsis. Plants, 12(10), 1977. 


Simultaneous fraction collection: At five-minute intervals, samples were collected simutaneously from four column outlets using a LAMBDA OMNICOLL automatic fraction collector.

Abdelrady, A., Tang, Y., Bogaard, T. & Foppen, J. W. (2023). The Use of Silica Encapsulated DNA Particles with a Supermagnetic Iron Core (Sidnamag) in Sand Filtration System: Effect of Water Chemistry. Available at SSRN 4555357.


Acid-washed sand (2.65 g/cm3) column (2.7 x 8 cm) upward flow (0.40 mL/min) DNAcol experiments:The effluent was collected continuously with a sampling period of 5 min using a LAMBDA OMNICOLL fraction collector.

Kianfar, B., Hassanizadeh, S. M., Abdelrady, A., Bogaard, T., & Foppen, J. W. (2023). Natural organic matter and ionic strength (CaCl2) affect transport, retention and remobilization of silica encapsulated DNA colloids (DNAcol) in saturated sand columns. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 678, 132476.


Electrochemical reactions in flow setups with switching valve and LAMBDA OMNICOLL fraction collector (which can be operated with different sized collection vessels) as peripheral equipment for collecting electrolyte.

Hielscher, M. M., Dörr, M., Schneider, J. & Waldvogel S. R. (2023). LABS: Laboratory Automation and Batch Scheduling – A Modular Open Source Python Program for the Control of Automated Electrochemical Synthesis with a Web Interface. Chem. Asian J. 2023, e202300380. 


Influence of SDS and TX-100 surfactants on the vertical transport of the fungicide metabolite OH-CTL: at the top of the columns (1.8 cm (id) x 20 cm (h) PMMA, packed 18 cm (h) water-saturated soil & top layer of surfactant-modified soil), 4 ml of OH-CTL solution (40 µg/ml hydroxy chlorothalonil in water) were applied at a constant flow rate of 1 ml/min. Then continuously leaching with 1 ml/min water (UPW) until at least 10 or 40 pore volumes were collected. Fractions were taken on a LAMBDA OMNICOLL automated fraction collector.

Báez, M. E., Sarkar, B., Peña, A., Vidal, J., Espinoza, J., & Fuentes, E. (2023). Effect of surfactants on the sorption-desorption, degradation, and transport of chlorothalonil and hydroxy-chlorothalonil in agricultural soils. Environmental Pollution, 327, 121545.



Adsorption tests in sand columns (PMMA, 3.2 cm diameter x 7.0 cm lenght): The effluent was collected with a fraction collector LAMBDA OMNICOLL to determine the Zn and Fe concentrations.

Krok, B., Mohammadian, S., Noll, H. M., Surau, C., Markwort, S., Fritzsche, A., Fritzsche, A., Nachev, M., Sures, B. & Meckenstock, R. U. (2022). Remediation of zinc-contaminated groundwater by iron oxide in situ adsorption barriers–From lab to the field. Science of The Total Environment, 807, 151066. 


Samples were collected simultaneously using an automatic fraction collector LAMBDA OMNICOLL from the top of two PVC columns (15 cm, ID 2.1 cm; Milder) packed with 355–425 µm diameter grain size quartz sand (Sibelco).

Chakraborty, S., Foppen, J. W., & Schijven, J. F. (2022). Effect of concentration of silica encapsulated ds-DNA colloidal microparticles on their transport through saturated porous media. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, Volume 651, 2022, 129625. 


To compare the effectiveness of the biosurfactant for PAH removal with commercially available surfactants, dynamic experiments in columns were carried out. Fraction collector (Omnicoll®, LAMBDA Laboratory Instruments GmbH, Switzerland) was placed at the column outlet to recover the effluent fractions prior to further analyses. 

Cazals, F., Colombano, S., Huguenot, D., Betelu, S., Galopin, N., Perrault, A., Simonnot, M.-O., Ignatiadis, I., Rossano, S. & Crampon, M. (2022). Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons remobilization from contaminated porous media by (bio) surfactants washing. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 251, 104065.


The flow velocity was maintained using a peristaltic pump. Treated effluents were collected at set time intervals using a program-mable fraction collector (LAMBDA OMNICOLL single channel collector).

Feizi, F., Sarmah, A. K., Rangsivek, R. & Gobindlal, K. (2022). Adsorptive removal of propranolol under fixed-bed column using magnetic tyre char: Effects of wastewater effluent organic matter and ball milling. Environmental Pollution, Volume 305, 2022, 119283, ISSN 0269-7491.


Effluents were collected in 2 h increments (corresponding to 7.5 PV, ca.5.4 mL) using a fraction collector (LAMBDA OMNICOLL), sealed in PP bottles and refrigerated until analysis. 

Perdrial, N., Vázquez-Ortega, A., Reinoso-Maset, E., O'Day, P. A. & Chorover, J. (2022). Effects of flow on uranium speciation in soils impacted by acidic waste fluids. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, Volumes 251–252, 2022, 106955, ISSN 0265-931X.


Dynamic sorption experiments were conducted in a fixed-bed column with 5 mL of RUA21207 resin. The solution was passed through a column at a 10 mL h− 1 flow rate. Samples of the solution were taken at regular intervals (1 h) using the fraction collector and autosampler LAMBDA OMNICOLL.

Smyshlyaev, D., Kirillov, E., Kirillov, S., Bunkov, G., Rychkov, V., Botalov, M., Taukin, A., Yuldashbaeva, A. & Malyshev, A. (2022). Recovery and separation of Sc, Zr and Ti from acidic sulfate solutions for high purity scandium oxide production: Laboratory and pilot study. Hydrometallurgy, Volume 211, 2022, 105889, ISSN 0304-386X.


In the first part of the experiment, sorption with various resins was studied under statistical conditions. For this purpose, the sorbent was brought into contact with a model leaching solution, mixed for 24 hours, after which a solution sample was taken and analyzed. Sorption was carried out under dynamic conditions by passing the solution through an ion-exchange column using a peristaltic pump; samples were taken by the LAMBDA OMNICOLL fraction collector.

Oqilov, B. R., Botalov, M. S., Rychkov, V. N., & Kirillov, E. V. (2022, June). Study of sorption leaching of scandium from red mud with Succinic acid. In AIP Conference Proceedings (Vol. 2466, No. 1, p. 050025). AIP Publishing LLC.


The effluent was automatically sampled in fractions of 10 mL using a LAMBDA  OMNICOLL Fraction Collector (Lambda Laboratory Instruments, Brno, Czech Republic). The desorption of heavy metal ions was also studied in dynamic conditions by passing a 0.1 M HCl aqueous solution through the column at a flow rate of 1 mL/min.

Dinu, M. V., Humelnicu, I., Ghiorghita, C. A., & Humelnicu, D. (2022). Aminopolycarboxylic acids-functionalized chitosan-based composite cryogels as valuable heavy metal ions sorbents: Fixed-bed column studies and theoretical analysis. Gels, 8(4), 221.


Soil column experiments were conducted with adjustable-height chromatography columns, made of borosilicate glass..For each experiment ~0.8 ml column effluent was collected in a 20-ml centrifuge tube using a fraction collector LAMBDA OMNICOLL.

Kianfar, B., Tian, J., Rozemeijer, J., van der Zaan, B., Bogaard, T. A., & Foppen, J. W. (2022). Transport characteristics of DNA-tagged silica colloids as a colloidal tracer in saturated sand columns; role of solution chemistry, flow velocity, and sand grain size. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 246, 103954


The uranium sorption from model solutions in static mode was carrying out by use of anion-exchangers. The volume of resin loaded in the column was 5 mL, the filtration rate of solution through resin layer was 5 bed volume for 1 h. The filtrate at the outlet of the column was sampled by use of automatic fraction collector LAMBDA OMNICOLL (LAMBDA Laboratory Instruments, Switzerland).

Nalivaiko, K., Skripchenko, S., Titova, S., & Rychkov, V. (2022). Characterization and processing of radioactive uranium containing waste sludge by sulfuric acid leaching. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 10(1), 106972.


During the firn core melting process in a clean booth (ISO 5), the remaining sample stream from the debubbler was collected with a liquid fraction collector LAMBDA OMNICOLL (~0.7 mL/min) as an archive of the meltwater.

Seokhyun Ro, S., Hur, S. D., Hong, S., Chang, Ch., Moon, J., Han, Y., Jun, S. J., Hwang, H. & Hong, S. (2020). An improved ion chromatography system coupled with a melter for highresolution ionic species reconstruction in Antarctic firn cores. Microchemical Journal, Elsevier, MICROC 105377



Programmed LAMBDA OMNICOLL single channel collector for collecting 3 mL of aqueous solutions at the outlet of a column at set time intervals. 

Feizi, F., Sarmah,A.K. & Rangsivek, R. (2021). Adsorption of pharmaceuticals in a fixed-bed column using tyre-based activated carbon: Experimental investigations and numerical modelling. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2021.


Effluent solutions were collected with the fraction collector LAMBDA OMNICOLL. 

Vázquez-Ortega, A., Perdrial, N., Reinoso-Maset, E., Root, R. A., O’Day, P. A. & Chorover, J. (2021). Phosphate controls uranium release from acidic waste-weathered Hanford sediments. Journal of Hazardous Materials, Volume 416, 2021, 126240, ISSN 0304-3894. 


The elute was collected using LAMBDA OMNICOLL fraction collector in 15 mL vials at a regular time interval and analyzed for concentrations in the effluents.

Khandelwal, N., Tiwari, E., Singh, N., & Darbha, G. K. (2021). Heterogeneously Porous Multiadsorbent Clay–Biochar Surface to Support Redox-Sensitive Nanoparticles: Applications of Novel Clay–Biochar–Nanoscale Zerovalent Iron Nanotrident (C-BC-nZVI) in Continuous Water Filtration. ACS ES&T Water, 1(3), 641-652.



Études de sorption dynamique : Un collecteur de fractions LAMBDA OMNICOLL a collecté des échantillons d'effluents toutes les 15 min. L'élution des ions de métaux lourds (HMI) a été réalisée en faisant passer du HCl 0.1 M à travers la colonne à lit fixe avec une vitesse d'écoulement de 0.42 ml/min.

Humelnicu, D., Dragan, E. S., Ignat, M., & Dinu, M. V. (2020). A comparative study on Cu2+, Zn2+, Ni2+, Fe3+, and Cr3+ metal ions removal from industrial wastewaters by chitosan-based composite cryogels. Molecules, 25(11), 2664.


LAMBDA OMNICOLL connected to a HPLC column - by using a valve and a capillary - for collecting 2 ml fractions in 96 small scintillation vials (capacity of ~6 mL).

Gaugler, P., Gaugler, V., Kamleitner, M., & Schaaf, G. (2020). Extraction and quantification of soluble, radiolabeled inositol polyphosphates from different plant species using SAX-HPLC. JoVE (Journal of Visualized Experiments), (160), e61495.


LAMBDA OMNICOLL Fraction Collector enabled the sampling of defined depth intervals. It is positioned in a glovebox using Argon to prevent re-oxidation of the samples.

Schroeder, H., Duester, L., Fabricius, A. L., Ecker, D., Breitung, V., & Ternes, T. A. (2020). Sediment water (interface) mobility of metal (loid) s and nutrients under undisturbed conditions and during resuspension. Journal of hazardous materials, 394, 122543.



Perifusate fractions were collected using a LAMBDA OMNICOLL automated fraction collection system into 96-well MASTERBLOCK plates (Greiner bio-one) and at the end of the experiment stored at −80 °C

Barlow, J., & Solomon, T. P. (2019). Conditioned media from contracting skeletal muscle potentiates insulin secretion and enhances mitochondrial energy metabolism of pancreatic beta-cells. Metabolism, 91, 1-9.


To study the impact of mechanical disturbance and acidification on the metal(loid), LAMBDA OMNICOLL fraction collector is used to collect 12 profiles of 22 samples during each experiment. 

Schroeder, H., Fabricius, A. L., Ecker, D., Ternes, T. A., & Duester, L. (2019). Impact of mechanical disturbance and acidification on the metal (loid) and C, P, S mobility at the sediment water interface examined using a fractionation meso profiling ICP-QQQ-MS approach. Science of the Total Environment, 651, 2130-2138.



LAMBDA OMNICOLL fraction collector and LAMBDA PRECIFLOW peristaltic pump positioned in a glove box under an argon-atmosphere in a novel meso profiling and sampling system (messy) for biogeochemical studies of water pollution.

Schroeder, H., Fabricius, A. L., Ecker, D., Ternes, T. A., & Duester, L. (2017). Metal (loid) speciation and size fractionation in sediment pore water depth profiles examined with a new meso profiling system. Chemosphere, 179, 185-193.



Automated sample collector OMNICOLL was used to collect effluent samples (10 ml/min) from the packed bed column to evaluate the transport potential of stabilized milled ZVI particle suspensions

Velimirovic, M., Schmid, D., Wagner, S., Micić, V., von der Kammer, F., & Hofmann, T. (2016). Agar agar-stabilized milled zerovalent iron particles for in situ groundwater remediation. Science of The Total Environment, 563, 713-723.

Helmholtz-Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ, Germany; University of Vienna, Austria 



Effluent samples were collected from the fixed bed column by the multi-channel LAMBDA OMNICOLL fraction collector to study the adsorption of selenite and selenate by Mg-Al-CO3 LDH in the continuous flow system

Chubar, N. & Szlachta, M. (2015). Static and dynamic adsorptive removal of selenite and selenate by alkoxide-free sol–gel-generated Mg–Al–CO3 layered double hydroxide: Effect of competing ions. Chemical Engineering Journal 279 (2015): 885-896. 


Utrecht University, The Netherlands; Glasgow Caledonian University, UK and Wrocław University of Technology, Poland. 


Effluent from the glass chromatography column was collected by the LAMBDA OMNICOLL fraction collector to study ion-exchange reactions between Na+, H+, and Ca2+ under dynamic conditions.

Lu, J., Tertre, E., & Beaucaire, C. (2014). Assessment of a predictive model to describe the migration of major inorganic cations in a Bt soil horizon. Applied Geochemistry, Volume 41, February 2014, Pages 151-162. 

CEA, DANS/DPC/SECR/L3MR and Université de Poitiers-CNRS, France. 


Effluent collected by LAMBDA OMNICOLL fraction collector from the glass column filled with Bt horizon of a natural soil and analyzed by ion chromatography to study the sorption of major cations (Ca, Na) on a natural sediment

Lu, J., Beaucaire, C., & Tertre, E. (2013). Predictive model for migration of metallic cations in natural sediments. Procedia Earth and Planetary Science, 7, 529-532.

CEA, DANS/DPC/SECR/L3MR and Université de Poitiers-CNRS, France. 


LAMBDA OMNICOLL fraction collector was used to collect the eluent from the contaminated sediment packed PEEK column to determine the pH and 90Sr by liquid scintillation

Eagling, J. (2012). The effect of sea level rise on radionuclide mobility at contaminated nuclear sites (Doctoral dissertation, University of Plymouth).

Plymouth University, UK 

Ke zkoumání mobilizace Tc v podmínkách plně nasyceného proudění mořské vody byl použit sběrač frakcí LAMBDA OMNICOLL pro sběr eluce ve frakcích o objemu 1.2 - 3.6 ml z obalové kolony kontaminovaných sedimentů

Eagling, J., Worsfold, P. J., Blake, W. H., & Keith-Roach, M. J. (2012). Mobilization of technetium from reduced sediments under seawater inundation and intrusion scenarios. Environmental science & technology, 46(21), 11798-11803.

Plymouth University, UK


Eluate was collected (60 min per fraction) by means of a LAMBDA OMNICOLL fraction collector to determine the silver ion release from coated catheters

Aylvin Jorge Angelo Athanasius Dias, Edith Elisabeth M. Van Den Bosch, Astrid Franken (2010), Antimicrobial coating, US Patent no. US 2010/0113871 A1.



Can OMNICOLL replace the LKB Superfrac fraction collector (GE HealthCare) which is no longer available?
Yes, OMNICOLL fraction collector and sampler could replace Superfrac (also fraction collector Frac-950, Frac-920).

Do you also sell different heads to the collector that would allow collection into multiple racks at once?
We have a special customization for collecting fractions into multiple racks at once i.e. multi-stream configuration.

Do you have experience with controlling Ismatec IPC multichannel peristaltic pump with OMNICOLL?
LAMBDA offers a customized remote control cable for Ismatec multichannel pump for the analog communication between OMNICOLL and pump.

Should I be able to integrate any peristaltic pump with your LAMBDA OMNICOLL fraction collector?
You can use any peristaltic pump with the LAMBDA OMNICOLL fraction collector.
The OMNICOLL fraction collector provides a signal (~ 9 V) which is used by the communication module (art. no. 6911) to switch the pump off while moving from one fraction position to the other and at the end of the run. Therefore, there is no spilling between fractions.
Additionally, while using the OMNICOLL fraction collector with LAMBDA PERISTALTIC PUMP, the fraction collector can take fractions volumetrically by counting the pump impulsions (count mode). Therefore, each fraction will have the same impulsion number and, thus, have the same volume.

What is the top flow rate that the fraction collector unit can handle?
Our OMNICOLL Fraction Collector and Sampler is a flexible system and it adapts to your desired application. It is not limited by the feed rate and the number of samples being collected.
Because, the feed flow rate depends on the pressure difference and the diameter of the tubing used. You can choose the tubing and diameter as per your requirement.